If you have the true faith to the Lotus Sutra, the eternal Buddha Sakyamuni, the main body of Buddha Shakyamauni, is guiding you to the enlightenment anytime. Because the eternal Buddha Shakyamuni lives with you in your mind forever.

If you realise that there is no difference between your mind and this world you see, and if you manage your mind by listening the guidance of the eternal Buddha Shakyamuni, your life will go forward to your ideals. You will be a person who challenge to change this world to the ideals.

The eternal Buddha Sakyamuni in your mind is the spirit which knows the truth of universe and has a perfect wisdom. Actually, your mind is formed by the uncertain mind and the above perfect spirit. Although you are identifying the uncertain mind with your own self, the eternal Buddha Shakyamuni also exists in your mind. That is to say, you are always under the compassion of the eternal Buddha Shakyamuni.

The universe you can see is no different from your mind. The world you can see is the reflection of your mind. It is the fundamental principle of Buddhism. Therefore, you should realize religiously that the eternal Buddha Shakyamuni actually exists in the universe. The 3000 existences are contained in one thought. The 3000 existences mean everything which are in the world. Therefore, you should believe religiously that everything in the world are under the compassion of the eternal Buddha Shakyamuni.

Your mind never be controlled by the philosophical theory. If you don't have a religious sentiment, it is impossible to understand the truth and control your mind. If you don't believe the real existence of the eternal Buddha Shakyamuni, it is impossible to receive the perfect wisdom which know the truth of the universe in your mind. If you are able to control your mind, it is possible to control the world you see, as you like.

Nichiren shonin says in Kaimoku-sho,
"The Lotus Sutra alone among them represents the true words of our Lord Sakyamuni Buddha and various Buddhas residing in the world throughout the universe in the past, present, and future." "Compared to Hinayama Buddhism, all non-Buddhist schools in India are in error. Compared to the Lotus Sutra, the correct way of Hinayama Buddhism or the first four of the so-called gfive flavorsh and the first three of the Four Teachings are all evil and erroneous. The Lotus Sutra alone is true and correct. The gperfect teachingh preached in pre-Lotus sutra is called perfect but its perfection in only from a relative point of view. It is still inferior to the absolute exquisiteness of the Lotus Sutra."

It means that the Lotus Sutra is the only sutra for getting an enlightenment and becoming a Buddha. It is useless to practice with other sutras to get an enlightenment for people in Mappo era. But it means not that you should not refer to other sutras preached by the Buddha Sakyamuni. Nichiren shonin also had quoted many sutras to his works.

As the teachings of the Lotus Sutra, we have to meditate the Buddha Sakyamui always preaching for us. Therefore, we have to know the character of the actual Buddha Sakyamuni who is the manifestation of the eternal Buddha Sakyamuni. We have to know well what kind of wisdom he has, what kind of compassion he has.
So, Kempon Hokke is recommending especially to read the Agama Sutra such as Dammapada. Because it is said that those sutras closely related to actual teachings of the historical Buddha Sakyamuni. We respect it as an elementary text book of Buddhism.
The Lotus Sutra is superior than any other sutras. But it is very difficult to understand its philosophy. So, you need to strongly believe the Lotus Sutra which preaches about the truth of the Buddha Sakyamuni at first.

This is the Kempon Hokke's style, the Succession of the Sutra. Kyogan-Sojo
Nevertheless, in the Nirvana sutra preached under the twin sala tree, the will of our compassionate Father Sakyamuni Buddha, it is said that we should rely upon the dharma preached by the Buddha, not upon persons who preach wrong thoughts. It means that even the highest ranking bodhisattvas such as Fugen and Monjyu should not be trusted unless they preach the sutra in hand. Grand Master Tfien-tai says, gAdopt whatever agrees with the sutra, and do not believe in that which is not found in the sutra in word or in meaning;h while Grand master Dengyo sates, gRely upon the words of the Buddha in sutra. Do not believe in what has been transmitted orally.h (Kaimoku-sho,Open Your Eyes)

That is to say, you have to follow persons who give the teachings according to the sutra of the Buddha Shakyamuni. You should not follow persons who give the teachings which are different from the sutra of the Buddha Shakyamuni. It means that you should rely on the teachings (Dharma) expounded by the Buddha Shakyamuni, not persons who expound selfish thoughts. When Nichi-ju shonin started to propagate the Lotus Sutra and Nichiren's teachings, many priests were insisting on selfish understandings. Therefore, Nichi-ju shonin insisted on learning directly from the Lotus Sutra and Nichiren's writings. He was able to do it, because he had been a head teacher of Tendai school, and had huge knowledge about Buddhism. But it is impossible for ordinary people. You need right teachers.

Let's say to SGI believers! Let's save SGI believers!
Prof. Koichi Miyata who is a Buddhist scholar of Soka university announced at the 74th scientific congress of religion which was held in Soka university in 2015, "We should abandon Nichiren Honbutsu-ron which has been established by forged letters and non-authentic works of Nichiren", "Nichiren shonin clearly worshiped the Buddha Shakyamuni". However, he was scolded by the upper echelons of SGI and canceled his announcement after that, saying "I'm sorry, it was my personal opinion". That is to say, the doctrine of SGI is collapsing. If believers of SGI say "We are right, and you are wrong", let's say to them "You should argue with Prof. Koich Miyata of SGI".

The Buddha Shakyamuni is the founder of Buddhism. SGI slanders the Buddha Shakyamuni and the teachings of the Buddha Shakyamuni. SGI says that the Lotus Sutra preached by the Buddha Sakyamuni and the Buddha Sakyamuni are useless. So SGI believers are not able to understand that Nichiren shonin respects the Lotus Sutra preached by the Buddha Sakyamuni and adores the eternal Buddha Sakyamuni. The teaching of SGI is not Buddhism. Bodhisattvas of the earth are disciples of the Buddha Shakyamuni. You are not a bodhisattva of the earth. You are not in position to discuss about Buddhism. If you want to become a true Buddhist, you should quit SGI. If you want to practice true Nichiren's teachings, you should quit SGI. If you want to get not brainwashing but salvation, you should quit SGI. If you quit SGI, we welcome you. If you quit SGI, Nichiren shonin welcomes you.


Ekayana (The One Vehicle)

Let's do Shakubuku to SGI and NS

Shoju and Shakubuku

Practice of chanting Daimoku

@Difference between other sects of Nichiren

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